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Blessed Heart Art


Blessed Heart Art, LLC founded in 2003, is a faith-based company birthed from a vision given to artist Tracy B. Reynolds 2002., with the name, Blessed Holy, sacred, spiritual; marked by God’s favor. Heart - The center of emotions, personal attributed, in most thoughts and feelings; spirit or courage.  Art - expression through form or thought. 

Scripture: Proverbs 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart,    for everything you do flows from it." (NIV)

Mission: to provide uplifting and inspirational products and services through various forms of art to encourage, enrich, and enhance life.

Vision: To bless others by producing works that have form and beauty, esthetic expression of feeling, as in painting, drawing, sculpture, literature, photography, fitness, and dance; or any particular branch of art, that will provide faith-based options, resources, and opportunities particularly for, but not limited to those in the Chrisitan faith, that will encourage, enrich, and enhance their life.

Motto: Beautiful for the Eyes. A Blessing for the Heart!


2024 Blessed Heart Art, LLC

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